
Punching Yourself To Make The Pain Stop.

I doubt myself again.

The early morning television watching; the Sunday hangover chillout days. They come to me like a flash of emotion, and sadness.

The surety of my convictions suddenly lost, I weigh up the decision I made and I doubt...

The shadow of a friendship lost looms omnipotently in the background, and I don't know whether I feel wronged by the decision I made, or the friend I may have forsaken.

It will be. Whatever it will be, it will be. And I only cherish the time we had, as I always did.

You are my friend. But I doubt myself again.

By Looshkin



In the West County I was born and raised, on the farmyard is where I spent most of my days, chilling with sheep and relaxing with cows and shooing bloody 'ippies off of my land!

There's a couple o' townies who are up to no good, keep making funny patterns in my barley field! I got my shotgun out and me misses got scared; I said "those little pricks are gonna need new underwear!"

She called the police, and when he came near, his license plate said "LAW", and he had pigs in his mirror!! If anything, I thought, this copper is rare, but I thought, nah bugger it, GET OFF MY LAND!!



I broke me to pieces only because I knew she'd patch me together again;
I smashed my heart because I knew she would mend it.
I lost track of time because with her it's irrelevant;
I lost track of space because she filled my void.

A year and a lifetime; a moment and forever...

I caught the day she dropped like it was a snowflake made of glass, and saw my reflection in her eyes.

She made my string vibrate.

I let her go, because I knew she'd be there eternally;
She let me pass, because she knew where I was going.
I made her smile, because she deserves no sadness;
She found my laugh, and brought it back to me.

A year and a lifetime; a moment and forever.

She caught the sounds I dropped because she was the only one that heard them;
She dropped the day for me to catch and adore.
She caught the wave I drove towards her, and rode her wake to serenity...
She made my string vibrate.

By Looshkin